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  1. Registration

It is a onetime request. Taxpayer must send TIN to TRA in order to generate VFD number. Registration can be sent any time again in future in case VFD needs to retrieve original registration data and server will resend the same information that were sent in first attempt.

  1. Token

Token is a string of characters used as a second means of securing the API apart from the PKI. After registering VFD must send request to get token data and use the token in every request submitted. Token response will contain expiry time therefore billing VFD will only request new token when existing one has expired.

  1. Receipt/Invoice

Upon generation of receipt or invoice, VFD must submit respective receipt or invoice to TRA. Before submitting information VD must check existing token if valid otherwise request new token.

  1. Z report

After close of business, VFD must submit Z report, which is a summary of sales for the day. VFD should submit Z report before opening sales of a new day.

  1. Verification

All receipts or invoices printed must be associated with verification information i.e. QR code, verification code. VFD must be able to generate verification information


  • Client = webapi
  • Certkey - TRA will provide during integration
  • Cert-serial - Open certificate file and look for serial number
  • TIN- Taxpayer identification number for the seller
  • QR format:
  • QR - Taxpayer system will generate QR and not TRA


  1. Registration is a onetime request. In order to be able to access EFDMS taxpayer (seller) must send TIN number so TRA can register VFD for use

  2. Registration data must be saved to taxpayer system database for later use.

  3. When successful registered VFD will not be required to send registration again when submitting receipts/invoices.

  4. TIN belongs to the seller and not the customer (buyer). There is a parameter for customer i.e. CUSTID

  5. Cert-Serial is a serial number of certificate file (pfx) used to sign request where private key will be used in this case. (TRA provides)

  6. GC, RCTNUM and Dc must be maintained by taxpayer's system

  7. GC must always be equal to RCNUM and starts from one (1) and always increment for each invoice/receipt issued. Numbers should follow sequence without skipping

  8. DC starts with 1 and increment until 23:59:59 (midnight) and after midnight DC resets (starts with 1 again when first invoice/receipt for a new day is issued)

  9. Different receipts/invoices can never have same GC they must always be unique

  10. Different receipts/invoices can never have same RCTNUM they must always be unique

  11. Different receipts/invoices issued in same day can never have same DC

  12. ZNUM must always be same as RCT_DATE but in a number format i.e. YYYYMMDD

  13. Previous receipt/invoice must never have latest ZNUM, RCT_DATE than the current receipt/invoice.

  14. Future dates are not allowed, therefore when VFD generates receipt/invoice it must take current timestamp

  15. If transaction is cancelled, next transaction should take not reuse transaction of cancelled transaction it should take new number in the sequence

  16. Token will be requested only after expiry of current one, so before posting to TRA check if current token is valid and only post if is valid otherwise request new one

  17. Token value must be saved to taxpayer system database

  18. If for some reason if receipt is issued with wrong data but received success response, when sending again with correct data assign a new receipt number don’t reuse same if you send same receipt the later will be treated as duplicate and wont saved because rctvnum is same.

  19. If CUSTIDTYPE=1 i.e. TIN is chosen, we recommend to restrict input to only 9 digits meaning only numbers should be allowed because TIN is always a 9 digits number. CUSTIDTYPES for other IDs can remain open as string.

  20. MOBILENUM should not contain + or spaces or dashes, it should in the format 255712XXXXXX or 0712XXXXXX

  21. If VFD get success response it should not resubmit same transaction again.

  22. If for any reason VFD does not receive response at all or receiving negative response (ACKCODE which is not 0) for specific invoice/receipt then when resubmitting the same invoice/receipt to TRA the VFD should submit the original xml content and not the modified the content this include also ZNUM and RCT_DATE, RCT_TIME must always be date of the first attempt and not the current date/time. This is to say monitor status of each receipt and only when response with ACKCODE 0 returned consider receipt successful delivered to TRA

  23. Print/send receipt/invoice to customer (do not wait for TRA response) and immediately send receipt to TRA (1 and 2 can either be concurrent or 2 can follow after 1)

  24. For a specific receipt if no response is received VFD should keep try sending same request until it receives response.

  25. Send one transaction at a time (asynchronous) only send next transaction when current one has succeeded

  26. For printed receipts/invoices, taxpayer must display verification information (QR and code) on the printout.

  27. To avoid receipt/invoices being rejected ,escape special characters in receipt/invoice XML especially in customer name or items descriptions.

  28. When TRA server is not accessible (OFFLINE), continue generating transactions as they occur but make sure you design a mechanism to save status of each transaction i.e. success or pending while keep checking for connection and later when TRA connection resumes automatically resend all pending transactions in the order.

  29. Token will be requested only after expiry of current one, so before posting to TRA check if current token is valid and only post if is valid otherwise request new one

  30. Token value must be saved to taxpayer system database

1.1. Receipt/invoice format

Billing system shall POST to EFDMS data in XML format containing the following information

  • 1.1.1. Date of receipt/invoice in the format “YYYY-MM-DD”
  • 1.1.2. Time of receipt/invoice in the format HH:MM: SS
  • 1.1.3. TIN of the business owner
  • 1.1.4. Registration number of virtual device
  • 1.1.5. Serial number of virtual device
  • 1.1.6. Customer ID type
  • 1.1.7. Customer ID
  • 1.1.8. Customer name
  • 1.1.9. Customer mobile number
  • 1.1.10. Receipt/Invoice number
  • 1.1.11. Daily counter of receipts/Invoice
  • 1.1.12. Global counter of receipts/Invoice
  • 1.1.13. Report number
  • 1.1.14. Receipt/ invoice verification number
  • 1.1.15. Item ID
  • 1.1.16. Item description
  • 1.1.17. Item quantity
  • 1.1.18. Tax code
  • 1.1.19. Item amount
  • 1.1.20. Amount exclusive of tax
  • 1.1.21. Amount inclusive of tax
  • 1.1.22. Discount
  • 1.1.23. Payment type
  • 1.1.24. Payment amount
  • 1.1.25. Tax rate group
  • 1.1.26. Amount exclusive of tax
  • 1.1.27. Tax
  • 1.1.28. Signature (will not be printed on the invoice/receipt rather in XML)

1.2. Receipt/Invoice XML Data type

Field Type Description Remark
DATE Date Date of Issue
TIME Time Time of the issue
TIN Number TAX identification number of the business owner
REGID String This is a unique ID issued to a virtual device (Taxpayer Billing System) upon a successful registration. User should not be able to program REGID, it should only be received from TRA server. TRA will provide REGID during integration
EFDSERIAL String This is the serial number assigned to the virtual device (Taxpayer Billing System) also as known as CERTKEY. This number is composed of two digits that represent the manufacturer code followed by two letters representing the Tanzania country code and followed by the serial number of the production. Each virtual fiscal device should have a unique serial number to avoid matching with another virtual fiscal device(s). TRA will provide EFDSERIAL during integration. The format of the serial number should be like this: Example: 10TZ
CUSTIDTYPE Number Buyer Used ID type. This can be one of the following 1=TIN 2=Driving License 3=Voters Number 4=Passport 5=NID (National Identity 6=NIL (If there is no ID) This is mandatory.
CUSTID String Identification Number corresponding to the type chosen Mandatory if CUSTIDTYPE is not 6
CUSTNAME String Name of the Buyer. Option
MOBILENUM Number Buyer’s Mobile Number Option
RCTNUM Number This represent receipt/invoice number of each transaction that is unique for every transaction. RCTNUM starts with 1 and continue with sequence throughout. It will keep incrementing for every transaction. RCTNUM will be equal to GC where this is a global counter. i.e. 31, 32, 33.... 60 and this sequence should always increment by 1.
DC Number DC is the Daily Counter and is a sequence of receipts/ invoices issued for the day. DC will reset to 1 the following day up to the last receipt/ invoice issued For example, if until end of day, you have issued 30 receipts/invoice then we will have receipts/invoices no. 1, 2, 3.... 30. As for the following day, the DC counting will reset to 1,2,3,...
GC Number GC is a global counter of the receipts/invoice issued from day one and shall keep incrementing throughout the life of the VFD Example, if the last GC number for today after close of business is 1000 Then the value of GC when you open business next day will be 1001
ZNUM Number ZNUM for VFDs will be a number in format of (YYYYMMDD) e.g. 20190626 and this will change on Daily Basis i.e. ZNUM for Today: 20191018, ZNUM for yesterday: 20191017, ZNUM for tomorrow: 20191019. ZNUM is date of transaction written in number format.
RCTVNUM String A receipt/invoice verification number composes of RECEIPTCODE and GC i.e. GC appended to RECEIPTCODE. During registration, a VFD will be provided with RECEIPTCODE Example. Format description RECEIPTCODE: AAAA11, GC: RCTVNUM AAAA This filed is mandatory:
ITEMS RecordSet Contains ITEM
ITEM RecordSet RecordSet that contains details of the Item
TOTALS RecordSet Record that contains totals of the receipts/invoice
PAYMENTS RecordSet RecordSet that contains payment
VATTOTALS RecordSet Nett and Tax Amounts Totals


Field Type Description Remark
ID String Standard Item Code
DESC String Name of items can either be standard or entered by user
QTY Number Quantity
TAXCODE Number Applicable tax on the item 1 = Standard Rate (18%)
2 = Special Rate (0%)
3 = Zero rated (0%)
4 = Special Relief (0%)
5 = Exempt (0%)
1 for vatable
2 for spacial rate
3 for zero rated
4 for special relief
5 for exempt
AMT Double Total Amount Inclusive of taxes

Receipt/invoice TotalsRecordSet

Field Type Description Remark
TOTALTAXEXCL Double Subtotal Totals Total amount of all the items exclusive of taxes
TOTALTAXINCL Double Grand Total Total amount of all the items inclusive of taxes
DISCOUNT Double Total Discount Amount discounted from the total of all the items exclusive of tax


Field Type Description/Remark
PMTTYPE String Payment types
PMTAMOUNT Double Payment amount based on payment type used VATTotalsRecordSet

Field Type Description Remark
VATRATE Char Identifier of the Tax rate
A= 18 (Standard Rate for VAT items)
B= 0 (Special Rate)
C= 0 (Zero rated for Non-VAT items)
D= 0 (Special Relief for relieved items)
E= 0 (Exempt items)
NETTAMOUNT Double Nett Sales
TAXAMOUNT Double Tax Amount for the Rate

1.3. Message Flow

Message Flow Diagram

Message Flow Diagram

2.7.1 Registration

Message request header

A message request from taxpayer billing system to the EFDMS include the following information

Parameter Value
Content-Type application/xml
Cert-Serial Serial of the Key certificate to be provided by TRA. Should be base64 encoded.
Client webapi

Message request body

All message request from taxpayer billing systems to the EFDMS shall be enclosed in root (envelope) tag called

Tag Description
<EFDMS> Root tag of the message request
<REGDATA> Tag that contains two tags and
<TIN> Taxpayer Identification Number of the business owner
<CERTKEY> Vendor serial number which uniquely identify taxpayer billing system
<EFDMSSIGNATURE> Using PKCS12 standard, signature obtained by Hashing
<REGDATA></REGDATA> using SHA 1 with RSA then result encoded to base64.

Example of registration request message

Example of registration acknowledgment message

Data types for registration acknowledgement

Field Data Type Mandatory Description
EFDMSRESP Registration Information Envelop
ACKCODE Int(1) Yes 0 means success. Else it would be an error code
ACKMSG String (50) Yes Describes the ACKCODE above
REGID String (50) Yes VFD System Registration Id
SERIAL String (14) Yes VFD System Serial Number also known as CERTKEY or EFDSERIAL
UIN String Yes User identification number issued by TRA once Taxpayer has been registered in EFDMS
TIN Number Yes Tax Identification Number of business owner
VRN String Yes Vat Registration Number
MOBILE String Yes Mobile/Telephone number
STREET String Yes Street
CITY String Yes City
ADDRESS String Yes Tax Payer’s Address
COUNTRY String Yes Country
NAME String(100) Yes Tax Payer Trading Name
RECEIPTCODE String Yes Also known as, RCTVCODE represents a unique code issued during registration.
REGION String Yes Tax Region
GC Number Yes GC is a global counter of the receipts/invoice issued from day one and shall keep incrementing. i.e. how many total receipts signed till date
TAXOFFICE String Yes Tax Payer’s Tax Office
USERNAME String Yes Username to be used for Token Request
PASSWORD String Yes Secret Key to be used for Token Request
TOKENPATH String Yes URL Path for Token Request
TAXCODE Char Yes Applicable tax on the item
2=Special rate(CODEB)
3=Zero Rated (CODEC)
4=Special Relief(CODED)

2.7.2. Token Request

EFDMS uses Tokens for message exchange between EFDMS and Tax Payer Billing System. All request that will be send to the server must be accompanied with valid token in the message header, which will be validated by the server and if the token is valid, then the billing system will able to access and post the transaction.

A token is a piece of data that has no meaning or use on its own, but combined with the correct tokenization system, becomes a vital player in securing the Web API. Token-based authentication works by ensuring that each request to the server is send together with a signed token, which the server verifies for authenticity and only then responds to the request. Token will be provide in seconds therefore taxpayer billing systems should be programmed in a way to only request new token when current one expires.

Token generated will have lifetime in seconds; the taxpayer billing system should always save token time and check the time now against the token time before posting the receipt/invoice. If the token time has expired, that is when taxpayer-billing system requests a new one. This mechanism helps taxpayer-billing systems to operate fast as opposed to requesting new token every time when posting receipt invoice since it involves adding claims to each token that would end up slowing the process.

Token request body

Token request message shall include three parameters as shown in the following table

Key Value
Username Username of VFD. Username is found in the acknowledgment message sent to taxpayer billing system after successful registration request
Password Password of VFD. Password is found in the acknowledgment message sent to taxpayer billing system after successful registration request
grant_type password

Note: Request form should x-www-form-urlencoded Example of token acknowledgment message

  "access_token": "c3h4pIurCN85yOUJA1B--brtlnpvwAIVbNq-lD-wId3aUXHm2j6FweyZ0mLFitANgQ4vsotkdF7cR3F3GNdzwGPWUk28xACPLNPUnnsVPH9iWKaGiX_kpuKEhKLclRrcianjfg5BgpSAMg5tuughggghzwG9867WJlcox7QGv2RbZGoxzh8kW4QW6E278GFTa0V746tTZVs8lMGxLOjnoBA8jaBtZOig66pvHrdysajkl;lkjdhfjdsklkdsjgfhvjhskllkjfdjjsdjklaW5rVcjCFP8HlHJRfnWfb2LASB6ix605ezyrEnh-8bEoUWiJP4D_z82yvKyk4cnmIAN3vgaKWAg1fWW8pd_dNjhklLASKJDSSJ",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 86399

2.7.3 Receipt/invoice Posting

Message request header

A message request from taxpayer billing system to the EFDMS include the following information

Parameter Value
Content-Type application/xml
Routing-Key vfdrct
Cert-Serial Serial of the Key certificate provided. Should be base encoded.
Authorization bearer token_value i.e. it should start with word bearer followed by space then followed by current token value

Message request body for receipt/invoice

Message acknowledgement for receipt/invoice

Data type for receipt/invoice acknowledgment

Field Data Type Mandatory? Description
RCTACK Receipt/invoice Acknowledgement Envelop
RCTNUM Int Mandatory Receipt/invoice Number for the posted receipt/invoice
DATE DateAndTime Mandatory Transaction Date YYYY-MM-DD
TIME DateAndTime Mandatory Transaction Time HH24:MI:SS
ACKCODE Int(1) Mandatory 0 means success. Else it would be an error code
ACKMSG String(50) Mandatory Describes the ACKCODE above

2.7.4. Z Report

Message request header

A message request from taxpayer billing system to the EFDMS include the following information

Parameter Value/Description
Content-Type application/xml
Routing-Key vfdzreport^
Cert-Serial Serial of the Key certificate provided. Should be base64 encoded
Authorization bearer ^token_value^

i.e. it should start with word bearer followed by space then followed by current token value

Message request body for Z report

Data Type for Z report posting

Field Data Type Description Remarks
DATE Date Date of the Z report
TIME Time Time of the issue (^)
HEADER Recordset Contains Header lines LINE String Inside Header, define Name, Address, TIN, VRN, Telephone etc. as programmed in EFD and printed on each receipt Can be multiple, minimum 4 header lines and maximum 8 header lines
VRN String VAT registration number If taxpayer is registered on VAT, if not registered should show NOT REGISTERED
TIN String TAX identification number (^)
TAXOFFICE String Name of the Tax office where a taxpayer submits his/her returns
REGID String This is a unique ID issued to a fiscal device upon a successful registration. The REGID must not be programmed by user or technician and must only be received from server. REGID will be in format TZmmmnnnxxxxxxxxx Where mmm=manufacturer code nnn=supplier code xxxxxxxxx=unique ID issued for the device
ZNUMBER Integer This is the serial number of the "Z" daily transaction report This is a progressive number that starts from 1 and always increment when Z is issued
EFDSERIAL String This is the serial number of the fiscal device. This number is composed of two digits which represent the manufacturer code followed by two letters representing the Tanzania country code and followed by the serial number of the production. Each fiscal device should have a unique serial number to avoid matching with another fiscal device(s) The format of the serial number should be like this: Example: 01TZ
REGISTRATIONDATE Date Date when the fiscal device has been registered/Fiscalized
USER String Identification number of the taxpayer
SIMIMSI String International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) for sim card used in the EFD Machine Fix value to WEBAPI TOTALS RecordSet Record that contains totals and each kind of counter since the last Z Report VATTOTALS RecordSet Nett and Tax Amounts Totals (^) PAYMENTS RecordSet RecordSet that contains payments
CHANGES Recordset This includes VAT rates, header changes and firmware changes Will further contain VATChanges, HeaderChanges or firmware changes ERRORS RecordSet Any Errors Contained Leave this node empty with both nodes
FWVERSION String Firmware Version Fix value to 3.0
FWCHECKSUM String Firmware Checksum Fix value to WEBAPI

Z Report TotalsRecordSet

Field Type Description/Remark
DAILYTOTALAMOUNT Double Total Sales Amount
GROSSTOTAL Double Accumulative Total
TOTALCORRECTION Double Any Corrections made (^)
TOTALDISCOUNTS Double Discounts for the Day (^)
TOTALSURCHARGE Double Extra Charges added
TICKETSVOID Integer Number of voided tickets
TOTALVOIDRECEIPTS Double Amount of all voided receipts (^)
RECEIPTSFISCAL Integer Number of fiscal receipts (^)
RECEIPTSNONFISCAL Integer Number of non fiscal receipts issued by the machine


Field Type Description/Remark
VATRATE Char Identifier of the vatrate (A,B,C...)
NETTAMOUNT Double Nett Sales
TAXAMOUNT Double Tax Amount for the Rate


Field Type Description/Remark
PMTTYPE String Payment type can be
PMTAMOUNT Double Payment amount based on payment type used


Field Type Description/Remark
VATCHANGENUM Integer Number of changes on VAT rates If tax code value changes after sending registration request update vatchangenum count
HEADCHANGENUM Integer Number of changes on Header If header lines change after sending registration request update headchange count
FMCHANGENUM Integer Number of changes on firmware Fix value to zero


Field Type Description/Remark
VATRATE Char Identifier of the vatrate (A,B,C...)
FROMVALUE Double Previous value of the vat rate (^)
TOVALUE Double Current value of the vat rate


Field Type Description/Remark
HEADERLINE Integer Number of header line starting from 1
FROMVALUE String Previous text (^)
TOVALUE String Current text on the header line

Data type for Z report acknowledgment

Field Data Type Description
ZACK Z-Report Acknowledgement Envelop
ZNUMBER Int Mandatory Z-Report Number for the posted receipt
DATE DateAndTime Mandatory Report Date YYYY-MM-DD
TIME DateAndTime Mandatory Report Time HH24:MI:SS
ACKCODE Int(1) Mandatory 0 means success. Else it would be an error code
ACKMSG String(50) Mandatory Describes the ACKCODE above

Digital Signature Security

Signature generation:

  1. Registration To get signature use private key provided to sign body section <REGDATA></REGDATA> using SHA1 algorithm with RSA

  2. Receipt posting To get signature use private key provided to sign body section <RCT></RCT> using SHA1 algorithm with RSA

  3. Z Report posting To get signature use private key provided to sign body section <ZREPORT></ZREPORT> using SHA 1 algorithm with RSA


Please refer this PHP code

Intended Users: TAX PAYERS
Prepared by: Richard Kazimoto
Date: 23 September, 2019.


  • EFDMS = Electronic Fiscal Device Management System
  • VFD = Virtual Fiscal Device
  • CLIENT = Indicate mode of integration
  • CERT =-SERIAL Serial number of the issued certificate(hex) private key encoded to base 64
  • CERTKEY = Serial number of the virtual device issued to taxpayer
  • REGDATA = Tag containing registration request
  • TIN = Taxpayer Identification number
  • EFDMSSIGNATURE = Signature generated after signing registration or receipt/invoice content.

Last update: September 12, 2021